Política de envío

Shipping Policy

  • In-stock orders are shipped within 24 hours. The tracking code will be sent the next day via e-mail.
  • Express (Air) shipments usually take 2-3 days to arrive in Continental Europe / UK / USA and 3-4 days to the rest of the world after dispatch.
  • All shipping costs on the website include handling fees and exclude import charges and duties. Fees displayed are calculated for the volumetric weight of the part.
  • Weekend orders will be processed the next business day.
  • If a part is not in stock, is specially ordered, and must be ordered from a manufacturer, it usually takes 3-4 days to arrive to us and will promptly ship to you. Large items and bulk quantities ordered from the manufacturers may take up to 5-6 business days to arrive and will be shipped to you immediately.
  • Oversized shipments and packages that include dangerous goods can only be shipped by sea or road transportation and delivery can take up to 30-45 days after the loading date.
  • We cannot guarantee transit times, customs processes, applicable laws, and duties in the destination country.
  • Shipping Carrier substitutions can be made at our determination considering the material, content, or size and weight of the item.